自三個月帶回家後 horlick 就得到無比的寵愛. 連一向怕狗的爸爸, 也漸漸愛上了 horlick.
Horlick 已是我家的一份子. 我絕對不能想像若有一天我失去horlick, 我的生活會怎樣過.
My childhood was filled with superb food cooked by mum. I started playing with cooking utensils when I was three, so surely I inherited the cooking gene from mum. As I grew older, the cooking gene bloomed and I cooked with joy and love every single minute. I hope this blog can fill your hearts with love and excitement, as well as inspire you to start exploring the cooking world!!! 三歲的我已不喜歡玩具, 而愛上玩廚具! 那時已知道遺傳了媽媽愛煮的基因! 慢慢, 入廚已成為了我生命的一部份, 還越煮越愛. 雖然我是一個外科醫生, 但也是一個小"煮"婦! 希望這個 blog 可以感染你們對煮飯的興趣!